Gnosis is the poetry of inner beauty,
the rose of philosophy,
the light of science
and the mystical eternal spring.
Spiritual and Sexual Values
What does it mean to have spirituality harmony with sexuality? Traditional religions structures that require celibacy...
Love Transcends Time
Jesus Christ, when asked what was the greatest commandment of Moses, replied, "'Love the Lord your God with all your...
Why Pride Misses the Mark
Art by Greg Spalenka Pride is one of the 7 classical deadly sins. Sin is translated from the Greek hamartia...
Why We Circle Back: The Labyrinth and the Law of the Octave
Everything in nature moves in a curved line, which eventually returns back to where it started. Our daily life repeats...
Gnosis is Transcendental Knowledge
Image: from The Red Book by Carl JungCreation is Sacred All religious cosmologies start with a nothingness, a void....
Sex and Love
Image: Artist and his Bride by Marc Chagall “It is written with burning coals in the extraordinary book of life that...
The Seed of the Tree of Life
“Behold, a sower went forth to sow.And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the wayside; and the fowls came and devoured...
Doctrine of the Eye and Doctrine of the Heart
We would like to share this wonderful passage from Samael Aun Weor's book Zodiacal Course. We dedicate this...
Eclipses in Gnostic Esoteric Psychology
Eclipse Astronomy A solar eclipse is the astronomical phenomenon in which the Moon is aligned between the Sun and the...
Gratitude and Giving Thanks
Gratitude Sunny days, moonlit nights, gratitude for good and bad fortune.-Transcendental Axiom: Arcanum 78 We must...
Candlemas, Imbolc, Groundhog Day
Imbolc and the Corners of the YearTraditional cultures saw the natural interplay of light and darkness throughout the...
Miracles of the Divine Mother
In the early 1960s a series of miracles with the Virgin Mary occured in a tiny village in Spain called San Sebastian...
John the Baptist and Mystical Death and Rebirth
Artwork: The Apparation by Gustave Moreau "In the Summer Solstice the celebration of Saint John the Baptist takes...
Concentration and the Inner Work
Concentration To concentrate means to focus, to eliminate that which is extraneous, to make stronger and more potent....
The Mysterious Number Thirteen
There is a mystery around the number 13, this post will explore some of the esoteric meaning behind this number to...
A Prayer
May all Essences find their own peace. May all Essences know their interconnectedness. May all Essences be able to...
The Internal Liberation
Tyranny The cruel and unjust use of power haunts human history. Tyranny is the imbalance of the sacred forces of...
Prayer for the Irradiation of Love
Cultivating a positive internal state is necessary for the Gnostic path. This means to be as conscious as possible,...
The Broad and Narrow Way
This interesting picture comes from Germany by way of England in the Victorian era. It depicts the Biblical concept of...
Magic of the Artemisia Plant
"This plant must be harvested at 12:00 midday on Good Friday. First, the magician will trace a circle around the...
The Seven Cosmos
“The Word fertilizes the waters of chaos in a sexual marriage at the dawn of life. Thus are galaxies and worlds born.”...
Conscious vs Mechanical Revolutions
To revolutionize means to generate a complete rotation, to change the entire orientation of the subject, whether it is...
Masters of the Ray of Medicine
"Our healing system is spiritual. It does not conflict with physicians; everyone can have faith in our methods and...
Elemental Practice with the Peppermint Plant
The elemental, or spiritual intelligence, of the peppermint plant has properties that can help to awaken the...
Carrying the Cross
"Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and...
The Gnostic God
For the Gnostic, God can be known and experienced God is the multiple perfect unity. Described in the polytheistic...
Prayer in the Work
"To pray is to converse with God and certainly one has to learn to converse with the Father, with Brahma." -Samael Aun...
Nature’s Living Scripture
All things ebb and flow, the cycles of the moon and Sun, the ocean tides, the rhythms of all our body functions. There...
The Sun: The Central Point
The Sun by Edvard Munch "At daybreak, when thou arisest on the horizon, When thou shinest as the Aton by day, Thou...
God is Pressure
"Those who have penetrated furthest into the Unseen have given us the symbolic descriptions by means of which we may...
The Sacred Law of Seven
The cosmic Law of Seven, also known as the Sacred Heptaparaparshinock, is the law which organizes and harmonizes the...
The Universal Sound
The Word Creates "In the beginning was the Word,and the Word was with God,and the Word was God.He was in the beginning...
The Virgin of Carmel by Samael Aun Weor
The following is the entire first chapter of The Book of the Virgin of Carmel by Samael Aun Weor. This extraordinary...
The Center of the Universe
Perspective One of the symptoms of psychological sleep is to have our consciousness trapped in the conditioned...
The Inner Need
“Greed is the secret cause of hatred and the brutalities of this world. The latter many times assume legal aspects....
Autoegocractic and Trogoautoegocratic Law
"The mind, intellect, ego, ether, air, fire, water, and earth are the eightfold transformation of My Prakriti....
Cosmic Duty
Our duty or function in this lifetime is to transform ourselves from sleeping and mechanical creatures, to a state of...
The Seven Virtues and Seven Vices
The seven virtues are a teaching of ancient psychology, starting from the Greek philosophies of Plato and Aristotle...
Hail Mary
The Hail Mary prayer, famously the Ave Maria in Latin, is a traditional Catholic prayer with deep roots in the ancient...
To Love
"God as Father is wisdom. God as Mother is love. As Father, God resides within the Eye of Wisdom. The Eye of Wisdom is...