The Apogee

Posted on March 28, 2020

The universe functions according to the law of rhythm. Creation unfolds with the manvantara, the cosmic day, and reposes with the pralaya, the cosmic night. In preparation for the closing of a day, the light starts to withdraw into the Absolute.

Like the ocean wave drawing back at low tide, the divine light is currently at its apogee, the furthest point from Earth.

The twilight of the Cosmic Night extended the velvet of its mysterious wings over the deep valleys and the enormous and gigantic mountains of the old Arcadia. The corpulent millenary trees, the last offspring from unknown parents, had seen the autumn leaves drop during the long years and now they seemed to definitively dry up in order to fall into the arms of death. Our current human bodies now seemed like phantoms of men and the Intimates of our present humanity had already received their finest vestment. Terrible earthquakes shook Arcadia and the breath of death was felt everywhere; from those enormous multitudes of human beings came two classes of beings: angels and demons.”

-Samael Aun Weor, Revolution of Beelzebub


This is a potent time for the interior work. The divine essence within us is being called home to the Absolute. Our true nature is yearning to be liberated from the tedious conditioning of the ego. The opportune moment to awaken the consciousness is now.


“In these studies we must not forget the didactic. It is clear that each one of us carries within himself the mystery of his own self-realization, each one of us has his own mystery, particular, different. The way in which anybody solve his own mystery can be different to the way in which another person solves it.

Each one has or carries his own interior mystery. We can give, for example, the general laws for you to work with but the details, the special processes are individual, very intimate, because they constitute the mystery of everyone and everybody has his own mystery of self-realization, a different mystery, that is clear.”

Samael Aun Weor, 150 Answers from the Master