Scientific Chastity

Scientific Chastity

“Love is felt in the depths of the heart. It is a delicious personal experience, it is a fire that consumes, it is divine wine, a delight to those who drink it. A simple perfumed handkerchief, a letter, a flower, causes tremendous intimate. Inquietudes in the...
Gnosis is Transcendental Knowledge

Gnosis is Transcendental Knowledge

Image: from The Red Book by Carl Jung Creation is Sacred All religious cosmologies start with a nothingness, a void. That which precedes creation and manifestation.From this primordial chaos creation unfolds. This is called sunyata “the illuminating void”...
The Esoteric Purpose of Sex

The Esoteric Purpose of Sex

 “And I am the strength of the strong, devoid of lust and attachment. O best of the Bharatas, I am sex not contrary to dharma.” -Krishna, Bhagavad Gita 7:11   Sex is radical, complex, intimate. It is the fundamental act of creation. Sex is inseparable from...
Kundalini and Kundartiguator

Kundalini and Kundartiguator

The Kundalini The Kundalini is the latent spiritual force located at the root of our spinal column. The Kundalini is represented as a serpent because as this force is activated it ascends the spinal column as a serpent of spiritual energy and fire. The Kundalini is...
Sex and Love

Sex and Love

Image: Artist and his Bride by Marc Chagall “It is written with burning coals in the extraordinary book of life that the ardent love between man and woman works magically. Hermes Trismegistus, thrice great God Ibis of Thoth, said in his emerald tablet: ‘I give...
The Broad and Narrow Way

The Broad and Narrow Way

This interesting picture comes from Germany by way of England in the Victorian era. It depicts the Biblical concept of the narrow way which leads to life: “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those...
The Seven Virtues and Seven Vices

The Seven Virtues and Seven Vices

The seven virtues are a teaching of ancient psychology, starting from the Greek philosophies of Plato and Aristotle and later developed within Christian theology. The concept of virtue (virtutem, “force, power, strength, high character, valor”) gives a...
Zodiacal Plants

Zodiacal Plants

From Esoteric Medicine and Practical Magic (previously published as Occult Medicine and Practicel Magic) by Samael Aun Weor: The plants of Aries are similar to the head of the human being and they belong to the element fire. The plants of Taurus are similar to the...