by Gnostic Muse | Feb 14, 2015 | Love and Sex, Poetry
“The stars come up spinning every night, bewildered in love. they would grow tiredwith that revolving, if they weren’t. They would say, ‘How long do we have to do this!'” -Jalalludin Rumi Love is a tremendous force that has the power to...
by Gnostic Muse | Dec 1, 2014 | Notables, Poetry
Turn of the century Austrian poet Rainer Maria Rilke continues to inspire with his intensely mystical, lyrical poems and letters. When a poet or artist expresses universal longings and truths with beauty and love, it is a call to each heart, in fellowship with all...
by Gnostic Muse | Nov 7, 2014 | Poetry
“Music is a divine influence which stirs the heart to seek God: those who listen to it spiritually attain unto God, and those who listen to it sensually fall into unbelief.”-Dhu l’Nun the Egyptian “The art of healing cures the body, but the art of poetry cures...
by Gnostic Muse | Aug 23, 2014 | Poetry, Sufism
“The most ineffable part of Mohammedan mysticism is Persian Sufism. It has the merit of struggling against materialism and fanaticism, and against the literal interpretation of the Koran. The Sufis interpret the Koran from the esoteric point of view as we, the...