“And I am the strength of the strong, devoid of lust and attachment.
O best of the Bharatas, I am sex not contrary to dharma.”
-Krishna, Bhagavad Gita 7:11
Sex is radical, complex, intimate. It is the fundamental act of creation. Sex is inseparable from spirituality and religion because sex is inseparable from life and love.
Definitions of Sex
In the abstract sex is the magnetic connections between opposing forces, from subatomic particles to planets. Sexual energy can be defined as universal energy, because all energy requires a polarity.
Biologically, sex indicates the male or female chromosomes, hormones, and physical structures and functions within an individual that are necessary for procreation.
The sexual act is the intimate physical, if not emotional, connection between man and woman. Sexual acts that do not have the possibility of procreation deviate from the core definition of sex and its esoteric potential. However, physical procreation is not the true purpose of sex.
Sacred Sexuality
Samael Aun Weor describes sacred sexuality in his groundbreaking book The Perfect Matrimony, as the sexual connection of the man and woman, with love and enjoyment, transmutation, and the complete renunciation of the orgasm.
Scientific chastity (not celibacy) is a beautiful expression of sexuality with the retention and elevation of vital force.
“With sexual transmutation, we regenerate ourselves absolutely. The period of sexual ecstasy is always preceded by the period of sexual enjoyment. Thus, the same energy that produces sexual enjoyment, when transmuted, produces ecstasy.”
-Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony
The path of gnosis, of all religions, is the path of sex. Enjoyment of sex with renunciation of desire allows for true love and communion with a higher order of being.
Sex as Sacrament
The Sanskrit word maithuna in Hindu esoteric scriptures refers to the sacred ritual of sexual union between husband and wife. The man represents Shiva, the masculine aspect of the creative divine, and the woman represents Shakti, the feminine aspect and matrix of the power of creation. [source]
Maithuna is also known as sexual alchemy, sexual magic, White Tantra, and the Arcanum AZF.
Sexual alchemy is foundational in the Gnostic esoteric work. Wielded properly and over time, sexual alchemy dissolves the ego, gestates the soul, and multiplies love.
The value of the sacred sexual work is also understood through a knowledge of creation and the fall; sex is how humanity lost paradise, and how we can regain it.
Sex and Intimacy
“The tremendous difficulty the study of sexual magic presents is ostensible. It is not at all easy to attempt to demonstrate how sexual yoga, the maithuna, with its control over the most delicate nervous currents, and the multiple subconscious, infra-conscious, and unconscious influences over the Soul, can be learnable and visible.
Let us speak clearly and without ambiguities: the subject of sexual yoga is a matter for direct and intimate experimentation, something very personal.”
-Samael Aun Weor, Mystery of the Golden Blossom
Every couple must work out their own way of the intimate process of sexual alchemy. The dance of love requires constant renewal of faith and trust, and the dissolution of the egos of lust, jealousy, and resentment.
Sex and Creation
Creation of anything is only possible with the male and female, whether that is gestation and birth of a human or the gestation and birth of the soul.
The vital, sexual, creative, divine energy is enclosed within the sexual glands of men and women. This precious energy can be lost through psychological identification, negative emotions, and most severely through the orgasm, both in men and women, with or without ejaculation.
The sexual energy is conserved, purified, multiplied, and organized through transmutation, love, faith, sacrifice, sexual alchemy, and mystical death.
To speak in the language of Kabbalah: the fruits of the Tree of Life blossom when nourished with the waters of life.
Sexual Alchemy
“Purify the heart, wash the thoughts, stop pleasures, and conserve the seed.
If the thoughts endure, the seed is enduring; if the seed endures, the energy endures; if the energy endures, then will the spirit endure.
The energy of the kidneys is under the water sign. When the desires are stirred, it runs downward, is directed outward, and creates children. If, in the moment of release, it is not allowed to flow outward, but is led back by the energy of thought so that it penetrates the crucible of the Creative, and refreshes heart and body and nourishes them, that also is the backward-flowing method.”
-Taoist Text
“It is vital, cardinal, and definitive in life never to ejaculate the seminal liquor.
It is imperative to make the sexual energy return inward and upward without ever spilling the Cup of Hermes. This backward flowing method or return, fulfills that rotary movement of Light through which the forces of heaven and earth are crystallized into a golden flower within the body. Seminal energy that’s directed outward (flowing downward) produces a dissipation and diminishing of spiritual consciousness.“
-Samael Aun Weor, Mystery of the Golden Blossom