Gnosis is Transcendental Knowledge

Posted on September 24, 2024
Image: from The Red Book by Carl Jung

Creation is Sacred

All religious cosmologies start with a nothingness, a void. That which precedes creation and manifestation.
From this primordial chaos creation unfolds. This is called sunyata “the illuminating void” in Buddhism, Allah “the Nothing” in Islam, “In the beginning” i.e. before creation in the Judeo-Christian book of Genesis.

In the Hebrew Kabbalah it is the Ain, the “Absolute Abstract Space”, and for the Gnostics it is called Agnostos Theos, “the Unknowable God”.

From the all encompassing nothing arises something. Creation comes from that which is uncreated.

In ancient teachings it is said that God wished to know Himself, and so unfolded Himself into creation so that through this process He would be reflected throughout all created.

Structure of Creation, Reality

Creation is possible because of what is called in classical gnosticism the demiurge architect. The demiurge architect builds, sustains, and directs all the structures and laws of creation.

The structure of creation, of reality, is seen in schematic form in the Kabbalist Tree of Life. The structure of reality is presented in all religions in the form of a cosmology. God as creator is above, or some cases, at the center, of creation. Radiating downward, or outward, is creation, creatures, all of life as we know and understand it.

The demiurge architect is God, God manifested within all life. This demiurge architect and his archons (planetary rulers)  are sometimes depicted or interpreted as a tyrant in Gnostic literature. A strong dichotomy can be seen with these guardians of creation weilding their power to keep humans asleep in the darkness of materiality and from the light of true knowledge.

What we have to understand is this creator god is necessary for our existence. The demiurge architect holds creation together, the cosmic laws provide balance, equilibrium, and the means for both life as we know it, as well as a transcendant pathway.

Just as we must learn the laws of the land in which we live in order to function as citizens, and the laws of nature in order to have a proper science, we study the cosmic laws in order to master them within ourselves.

Creation is the scaffolding that the true gnostic (those who do not wish merely to be good, or to be bad, but to be different) climbs via the arduous task of self-knowledge and self-mastery in order to return the light within to its divine origins.

Without creation there would not be the necessary cosmic drama in order for God to know Himself. This is the ontological self-knowledge, or self-gnosis that is the reason for being of all creation. Therefore, the creator God is truly as sacred as any other aspect of reality.

Gnosis is the Perennial Religion

Gnosis is the perennial religion, the golden thread that connects all true spiritual traditions, schools, sects, and philosophies that bring about human fluorishing. The secrets of liberating and awakening the consciousness are hidden in plain sight to all those who truly wish to change.

Christ taught it with His life and His words: “If you would be like me, deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me.”  – Matthew 16:24

Death of the beloved ego, alchemical birth through scientific chastity, and sacrifice ourselves for humanity with love.

“Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear.” – Mark 4:9

The hidden secrets are revealed, it is a matter of undertaking the arduous Great Work of the alchemists and being willing and ready to change psychologically, not trying to control and change the external world.

Transcendental Knowledge

Gnosis or gnosticism is direct, experiential knowledge. This knowledge is transcendental because it transcends the three-dimensional constructs and material orientation which keeps us from knowing our divine origins.

Gnosis is the universal teaching within all religions, all esoteric schools, all true spiritual and mystical paths which leads to the awakening and liberation of the sleeping consciousness.

Gnosis teaches of the multi-dimensionality of the universe in which we live, move, and have our being. Gnosis teaches that divinity is primary to materiality. And the Absolute, or the Agnostos Theos is primary to any known divinity. Void preceeds form at every level.

Gnosis is self-knowledge: to be aware and awake to our internal psychology, our external surroundings, our relationships with others, and the perception of our own multi-dimensionality.

Trans-humanism and Materialism

Trans-humanism is an ideology based in a materialistic, three-dimensional perspective. Trans-humanism posits that humanity and all life emerged from a random series of events without divine creative intelligence or divine origin. A materialistic perspective like this presupposes an absence of sacred, cosmic laws which enshroud the sanctity of the body and of everything created.

Once this ideology is the basis of operation then the only thing left is to use technology to fulfill impossible desires such as physical immortality, changing from one sex to the other, or maintaining physical beauty, youth, and strength indefinitely.

Ultimately, this ideology tries to control birth, death, sex, and reproduction to conform to fantasies, desires, envies, and fears. To go against the laws of nature and to deny reality only causes more suffering.


The goal of the Great Work, or what is also called the Initiatic Path, is to become master of oneself. A spiritual master, a Gnostic master, has conquired his or her own psychological demons in the form of the egoic desires, fears, envies etc. 

A master has unified themselves in the own inner Being, and in fact, incarnated the Being here on Earth. Incarnation of the divine Being is for those who have been previously prepared over many years, decades, or lifetimes of inner work.

The Being is divine virtue, radiant and holy light, full awakened consciousness. The Being incarnated, literally “to be in the flesh” is nothing less than a cosmic event, because then the light of the divine God can shine directly on this Earth.

This is the goal of the Gnostic, and of every human who years for liberation. Not to leave the body of flesh and blood, not to reject creation because it is in darkness, but to cultivate and generate the divine light here and now.