Concentration and the Inner Work

Concentration and the Inner Work

Concentration To concentrate means to focus, to eliminate that which is extraneous, to make stronger and more potent. Chemically, concentration is a solution with an abundance of substance or solute in the solvent. An example of a concentrate is colored dye in water....
The Mysterious Number Thirteen

The Mysterious Number Thirteen

There is a mystery around the number 13, this post will explore some of the esoteric meaning behind this number to helps us understand it. First we look to nature. Thirteen and the Moon Cycle There are thirteen full or new moons in a year. The moon cycle has always...
A Prayer

A Prayer

May all Essences find their own peace. May all Essences know their interconnectedness. May all Essences be able to love. May the light of God shine within and around all Essences and Beings. May the death throes of this suffering planet be the labor which births the...
The Internal Liberation

The Internal Liberation

Tyranny The cruel and unjust use of power haunts human history. Tyranny is the imbalance of the sacred forces of mercy and justice. it is the lack of wisdom to trust in the innate goodness of humanity. It is born from the fear of death, creating a void of faith...
The Broad and Narrow Way

The Broad and Narrow Way

This interesting picture comes from Germany by way of England in the Victorian era. It depicts the Biblical concept of the narrow way which leads to life: “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those...
The Seven Cosmos

The Seven Cosmos

“The Word fertilizes the waters of chaos in a sexual marriage at the dawn of life. Thus are galaxies and worlds born.”  -Samael Aun Weor  “In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”  -Carl Jung   The Ray of Creation God descends...
Conscious vs Mechanical Revolutions

Conscious vs Mechanical Revolutions

To revolutionize means to generate a complete rotation, to change the entire orientation of the subject, whether it is society or the self. Revolution, via Old French from Late Latin revolūtiō, from Latin revolvere to revolve. A turning or rotational motion about an...