The Three Realities

The Three Realities

Three Worlds by M.C. Escher Illustrated in this beautiful image by M. C. Escher, we live simultaneously in three worlds, three realities. The physical reality is like the fallen leaves floating on the surface of the water: the most superficial level of reality,...


Citipati is the name of a Tibetan Buddhist deity formed by two skeletons, male and female, with their legs interlocked, and standing on a conch shell and a cowrie shell, respectively. Citipati guards the graveyards and protects from thieves. The dance of death, or...
Reflections on Charcoal

Reflections on Charcoal

In the path of gnosis and the process of awakening the consciousness we begin to see everyday things in a new light. The path is our life, and working with our vital energies internally can open our eyes to the esoteric significance of what we see every day. Charcoal...
The Gnostic Eden

The Gnostic Eden

Eden “And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden,...
Love Without Form

Love Without Form

Love is that intimate force that rocks and shakes the Earth. Love is learning to scale a mountain without rope Just keep going breathe. Because we know that breath is love, air is love. Even the Divine Mother, the Love of loves does not hold Her form, and that is how...


“The feeling of serenity transcends that which is normally understood by calm or tranquillity; it implies a superlative state which is beyond reasoning, desires, contradictions, and words. Serenity designates a situation which is beyond mundane noise.”...
Stella Maris: Star of the Sea

Stella Maris: Star of the Sea

“If we want to atomically disintegrate the psychic aggregates which we carry within our interior, then we need a power that is superior to the mind. Fortunately, we have Devi Kundalini inside. Unquestionably, she is Stella Maris, the Virgin of the Sea, the...
Recovering from Egoic Attachment

Recovering from Egoic Attachment

Overcoming patterns of compulsive, unconscious, selfish, behavior is very challenging. Especially when these patterns involve drugs and alcohol, which alter brain chemistry and create physical as well as psychological dependence. We can also have addictions to sex,...