The Hollow Earth

Posted on July 4, 2016

aberturaaghartapolonorteThe teachings of the hollow Earth are a geographical mystery as well as a psychological and esoteric one.

By investigating the writings of those who have visited the interior of the Earth physically we can be inspired on our own journey of interiorization to find the interior Shambhala, or “place of peace”.

The Interior of the Earth

Our relationship to the Earth is generally perceived as a solid flat foundation from which we build our homes and extract the wealth of the land in various ways. This is tied to a limited worldview that keeps our center of gravity in our home, family and physical roots.

In these times we have to understand the Earth not as a flat place to dwell, but a place with a rich interior life that connects us to all beings. Each human’s spinal column reaches down like a taproot which connects us all in the center of the Earth. Our home is a global humanity, a global understanding.

Each human has their own star, so to speak, which shines down from above, and this is our individuality, our Being, our particular Cosmic Ray. Our individual center of gravity is the expression of our Inner Being, yet the center of the Earth connects humanity to each other in a way that the stars do not.

Divine Intelligence of the Earth

The interior of the Earth is the realm of Melchizedek, the genie of this planet and the founder of the great esoteric orders which guide individuals on the path to God. A study of the Hollow Earth can transform our understanding of life on this planet.

Connecting with Melchizideck is entering the heart of the world, our psychological center of gravity, the reality of the world we live in.The interior of the Earth is the source of all the Root Races, the realm of all life, just as our body is the realm where our Gnostic Work occurs.

Quotes on the Hollow Earth

arctic1595-full“The Earth is hollow. The poles so long sought are but phantoms. There are openings at the northern and southern extremities.” 
-George Willis Emerson, The Smoky God: A Voyage to the Inner Earth

“Apollo’s real home is among the Hyperboreans, in a land of perpetual life, where mythology tells us two doves flying from the two opposite ends of the world met in this fair region, the home of Apollo. Indeed, according to Hecataeus, Leto, the mother of Apollo, was born on an island in the Arctic Ocean far beyond the North Wind.”



“The description here given of the strange lands and people visited by him, location of cities, the names and directions of rivers, and other information herein combined, conform in every way to the rough drawings given into my custody by this ancient Norseman, which drawings together with the manuscript it is my intention at some later date to give to the Smithsonian Institution, to preserve for the benefit of those interested in the mysteries of the ‘Farthest North’ – the frozen circle of silence.
It is certain there are many things in Vedic literature, in “Josephus,” the “Odyssey,” the “Iliad,” Terrien de Lacouperie’s “Early History of Chinese Civilization,” Flammarion’s “Astronomical Myths,” Lenormant’s “Beginnings of the History,” Hesiod’s “Theogony,” Sir John de Maundeville’s writings, and Sayce’s “Records of the Past,” that, to say the least, are strangely in harmony with the seemingly incredible text found in the yellow manuscript of the old Norseman, Olaf Jansen, and now for the first time given to the world.”
-Author’s afterword from The Smoky God: A Voyage to the Inner Earth


“In concluding this history of my adventures, I wish to state that I firmly believe science is yet in its infancy concerning the cosmology of the earth. There is so much that is unaccounted for by the world’s accepted knowledge of to-day, and will ever remain so until the land of “The Smoky God” is known and recognized by our geographers. The same idea of going back to the land of mystery, to the very beginning, to the origin of man, is found in Egyptian traditions of the earlier terrestrial regions of the gods, heroes and men, from the historical fragments of Manetho, fully verified by the historical records taken from the more recent excavations of Pompeii as well as traditions of the North American Indians.”
-The Smoky God: A Voyage to the Inner Earth


“According to Buddhist doctrine, Agharta is a subterranean land located deep within the center of our planet. The Buddhists believe there are millions of people living in this underworld paradise. Their daily lives and ultimate destiny are directed by a wise, all-powerful ruler known as Rigdenjyepo – the King of the World, Rigden-jyepo reigns in Shamballah, the capital city of Agharta, one of the most beautiful cities in the universe. [  ]
Buddhist scripture claims that Agharta was founded many millions of years ago, far back in the dim era of pre-history. ‘A great holy man was warned by the gods of an impending disaster,’ explained Gunther Rosenberg. ‘He led his people down through the tunnels and into the inner lands. This has elements of the Biblical story of Noah, along with a touch of the catastrophe that allegedly destroyed Atlantis.'”

-Warren Smith, This Hollow Earth


Nicholas Roerich in Tibet

“In his out-of-print book, Shamballah (Frederick Stokes & Company; New York; 1930) Nicholas Roerich wrote of his experiences in Tibet. In the opening chapter, Shamballah, The Resplendent, the Russian archaeologist told of his conversation with a high lama in Tibet in his visit to that land in 1928.

‘Lama, tell me of Shamballah,’ Roerich said. The lama meditated for several minutes. The only sound in the room was the gentle tinkle of distant prayer bells.

‘He is there in Shamballah,’ the old Tibetan holy man said. ‘Vigilant, indefatigable, and with his magical mirror he can tune in on all the events on this planet. He is Rigden-jyepo and his might is such that distance does not exist for him. He has been known to bring instantaneous aid to those he considers worthy. His riches are there to assist the needy. He is so powerful that he may change the karma of humans.’ 

After a description of the supernatural power of the King of the World, the lama added:

‘Uncountable are the inhabitants of that marvellous land! There are many new forces and achievements being prepared for those of us on the surface world . There is gold within the earth and diamonds and rubies in the mountains,’ said the lama. ‘People are eager to possess these precious gifts and many people attempt to find them. To date, people have not discovered all things on this earth. So, let no man try to reach Shamballah without being called. You have heard the stories of poisoned streams which have deadly gasses emitting from their vaporous surface. Have you ever perceived how animals and humans tremble when they reach certain localities? Many people have tried to reach Shamballah – people who have been uncalled. Some of these people have vanished forever. A few have found the holy place, which indicated their Karma was ready.'”
-Warren Smith, This Hollow Earth



George Willis Emerson, The Smoky God: A Voyage to the Inner Earth
Ferdinand Ossendowski, Beasts, Men and Gods
Lobsang Rampa, The Third Eye
Dane Rhudyar, The Astrological Houses
Warren Smith, This Hollow Earth
