The Apogee

The Apogee

The universe functions according to the law of rhythm. Creation unfolds with the manvantara, the cosmic day, and reposes with the pralaya, the cosmic night. In preparation for the closing of a day, the light starts to withdraw into the Absolute. Like the ocean wave...
Heavy Matter

Heavy Matter

“In the final synthesis, each one of us is nothing more than an atom from the Abstract Absolute Space, which is the interior atomic star that has always smiled upon us.  A certain author has said: ‘I raise my eyes towards the utmost, towards the stars,...
Laws of Reincarnation

Laws of Reincarnation

Reincarnation and recurrence are cosmic laws describing the journey of a spiritual essence or soul through successive physical bodies. The difference is that recurrence is a mechanical unconscious process, and reincarnation is a conscious process. Recurrence is for...
Fate and Will

Fate and Will

“Listen Fates, who sit nearest of gods to the throne of Zeus, and weave with shuttles of adamant, inescapable devices for councels of every kind beyond counting, Aisa, Clotho and Lachesis, fine-armed daughters of Night, hearken to our prayers, all-terrible...
Particles in Pain

Particles in Pain

“Religion, the Buddha, Wisdom, the particles in pain of our Father who is in heaven, and all the information we need for the realization of our Innermost Self, of our Inner Being, are within the Essence.” -Samael Aun Weor, Treatise of Revolutionary...
The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer, taught by Jesus Christ to his disciples, is a beautiful supplication containing profound wisdom, compassion, and love for God and humankind. This prayer is Kabbalistic in that it invokes the names of the different spheres of the Tree of Life,...
The Three Realities

The Three Realities

Three Worlds by M.C. Escher Illustrated in this beautiful image by M. C. Escher, we live simultaneously in three worlds, three realities. The physical reality is like the fallen leaves floating on the surface of the water: the most superficial level of reality,...