Reflections on Charcoal

Reflections on Charcoal

In the path of gnosis and the process of awakening the consciousness we begin to see everyday things in a new light. The path is our life, and working with our vital energies internally can open our eyes to the esoteric significance of what we see every day. Charcoal...
Recovering from Egoic Attachment

Recovering from Egoic Attachment

Overcoming patterns of compulsive, unconscious, selfish, behavior is very challenging. Especially when these patterns involve drugs and alcohol, which alter brain chemistry and create physical as well as psychological dependence. We can also have addictions to sex,...
Awakening and the Initiatic Path

Awakening and the Initiatic Path

Awakening the Consciousness Awakening the consciousness is freeing the essence from attachment. When the consciousness is free it is not subject to conditioning of the mind and ego. It is not bound by the dimension of time and space. The awakened consciousness is joy,...
The Altar

The Altar

The word altar comes from the Latin root for “high” or “elevated”. The altar in any religion or spiritual practice is the focal point of the sacred space. The altar is a place where the divine enters into matter. Everything about the altar has...


In ancient Greco-Roman mythology, Medusa was once a priestess serving in the temple of Athena. She was raped by the god Neptune and became pregnant. An alternate understanding is that the encounter with Neptune was consensual but broke her vow of celibacy as a...
On Suffering

On Suffering

Suffering and the Human Condition To deeply question the nature of suffering is part of human condition. We may begin to investigate the nature of suffering because of our own experiences or from witnessing suffering around us and in the world at large. Suffering,...
The Esotericism of Salt

The Esotericism of Salt

Salt has been used throughout human history for cooking, seasoning, food preservation, healing, cleansing, and in ceremony, ritual, and magic. In the Taoist principles of Chinese medicine, the salty flavor is a universal property, and humans have the kidneys for the...