Divine Mother Death

Divine Mother Death

Divine Mother Death is a part of our intimate internal Being. She is a part of the cosmic order of everything. The Divine Mother brings us into the world of life, nurtures us, and carries us into the next world. The Divine Mother is the fiery force of transformation,...
The Fable of Momo

The Fable of Momo

“Time is life itself, and life resides in the human heart.”-Michael Ende, Momo Momo is a little-known book written by German author Michael Ende in 1973. The story is simple and sweet with tremendous teachings about the nature of time, the present moment,...
The Four Noble Truths

The Four Noble Truths

The Four Noble Truths are foundational teachings of the great master Shakyamuni Buddha. “I teach suffering, its origin, cessation and path. That’s all I teach.” The Buddha is often compared to a physician. In the first two Noble Truths he diagnosed...
How to Solve Problems

How to Solve Problems

“People face innumerable problems in life. Each person needs to know how to solve each of these problems intelligently. We need to comprehend each problem. The solution of every problem is in the problem itself The time for us to learn how to solve our problems...
Solar Light and the Rune FA

Solar Light and the Rune FA

“A Judo of the Spirit exists; we are referring to the Runic exercises; these are formidable for the awakening of the Consciousness. Whosoever wants to work with this judo must begin with the rune of Mercury, which has a violet color that originates extraordinary...


“Three things remind me of You,the heavenswho are a witness to Your name,the earthwhich expands my thoughtand is the thing on which I stand,and the musing of my heartwhen I look within.” -Solomon ibn Gabirol Welcome to Gnostic Muse Gnostic Muse is a...
Virgo: Light of Purity

Virgo: Light of Purity

Virgo is an earth sign in the mutable mode. The Sun is in this sign from August 24th to September 21st, after the summer heat of Leo has passed, and just before Libra introduces the change of seasons to autumn. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication...