Let us work and rest happily, abandoning ourselves to the course of life.

Let us exhaust the turbid and rotten waters of habitual thinking.

Thus, into the emptiness Gnosis will flow, and with it, the happiness of living.

Samael Aun Weor

Muladhara Chakra

Muladhara Chakra

The first chakra is called Muladhara, which means "foundation". This chakra is located at the coccyx, the base of the...

The Beautiful Essence of the Soul

The Beautiful Essence of the Soul

The Internal Being "Consciousness is related with the Being as light is related with Love.”-Samael Aun Weor   The...

The Lunar Influence

The Lunar Influence

"A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:Its loveliness increases;  it will neverPass into nothingness; but still will...

Mercury the Messenger

Mercury the Messenger

Mercury-Hermes In the Greek and Roman tradition Mercury, called Hermes in Greek, was the messenger deity,...

Fire Sermon of the Buddha

Fire Sermon of the Buddha

In the Addittapariyaya Sutta, known as the Fire Sermon, the Buddha Shakyamni addresses his monks and describes a world...

Mystical Death

Mystical Death

Mystical Death is a Psychological Work “So long as we do not die within ourselves, and so long as we are identified...

Leo: Light of the Sun

Leo: Light of the Sun

Leo the Lion is a fire sign in the fixed mode. Leo governs the heart, the central organ of the body. Leo is ruled by...

Qualities of the Seven Planets

Qualities of the Seven Planets

Classical Western astrology is based on the movement of the seven planets within the zodiac: the Sun, Moon, Mercury,...

The Initiatic Path

The Initiatic Path

Initiation “Initiation is life lived intesely, with love and rectitude”-Samael Aun Weor Initiation means to enter into...

The Transmigration of the Soul

The Transmigration of the Soul

"In this vast wheel of creation wherein all things live and die, wanders round the human soul like a swan in restless...

The Dionysian Wave

The Dionysian Wave

The Dionysian Wave The Dionysian wave refers to the cultural shift that occurred in the 1960's when the Earth moved...

About Gnostic Schools

About Gnostic Schools

Gnostic schools are centers of practical esoteric knowledge, offering the ancient teachings of psychological and...

Tao: Void and Divinity

Tao: Void and Divinity

Taoism and Buddhism Taoism has existed in China for at least 3000 years, with mysterious roots in Siberian shamanism...

The Four Pillars of Gnosis

The Four Pillars of Gnosis

"The divorce between science and art, between philosophy and mysticism has provoked the wear and tear of this...

Dion Fortune

Dion Fortune

"What mathematics are to matter and force, occult science is to life and consciousness." -Dion Fortune, Sane Occultism...

Melchizedek: Genie of the Earth

Melchizedek: Genie of the Earth

"He is the God who sits in the center, on the navel of the earth and he is the interpreter of religion to all...

Kabbalah: Origins

Kabbalah: Origins

To Receive "The Kabbalah is the science of numbers. The author of the Tarot was the angel Metraton. He is the Lord of...

Dream Yoga

Dream Yoga

Dream Yoga is the practice of using mantras, prayers, and watchfulness to awaken the consciousness here and now, and...

The Fruits of the Tree of Life

The Fruits of the Tree of Life

Each sephirah on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life is a state of consciousness, a jewel, a virtue of our internal Being....

The Fourth Dimension

The Fourth Dimension

Time Time is the invisible dimension of our world. It is movement and growth, the reality that nothing is static,...

Tradition and Revelation

Tradition and Revelation

"Gnosis is a natural function of the consciousness; a Philosophy Perennis et Universalis... The gnostic revelation is...

Love as a Cosmic Force

Love as a Cosmic Force

"The stars come up spinning every night, bewildered in love. they would grow tiredwith that revolving, if they...

The Doctrine of Momentariness

The Doctrine of Momentariness

“There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the present moment. A man's whole life is a succession of...

The Age of Aquarius

The Age of Aquarius

Astrological Ages An astrological age is a time frame of about 2000 to 2500 years that signifies a particular zodiacal...

On Sacrifice and Charity

On Sacrifice and Charity

“Charity. To love human beings in so far as they are nothing. That is to love them as God does.” -Simone Weil  ...

Aspects of the Divine Mother

Aspects of the Divine Mother

In the beginning gods and goddesses created the Heaven and Earth… "In the beginning Elohim created the Heaven and...

The Ark of Noah

The Ark of Noah

Levels of Understanding The story of the ark of Noah from the book of Genesis can be understood on many levels: as a...

Gnostic Sufism

Gnostic Sufism

“Those who adore God in the sun behold the sun, and those who adore Him in living things see a living thing,and those...

The Three Crosses

The Three Crosses

The Cross Universal The cross is a profound symbol, seen in different forms in all religions and mystical traditions,...

Rainer Maria Rilke

Rainer Maria Rilke

Turn of the century Austrian poet Rainer Maria Rilke continues to inspire with his intensely mystical, lyrical poems...

Bushido: The Katana

Bushido: The Katana

The katana was only to be owned and used by a Samurai warrior and anyone else found to possess one would be killed...

Bushido: The Eight Precepts

Bushido: The Eight Precepts

Ethical teachings such as the virtues of the Buddhist Eightfold Path and the precepts of Bushido can help inspire us...

Bushido: The Way of the Samurai

Bushido: The Way of the Samurai

Bushido: The Way of One Who Serves The Samurai were a professional class of warrior in Japan for hundreds of...

Joan of Arc: In Her Own Words

Joan of Arc: In Her Own Words

Jehanne d'Arc was a simple peasant living in 13th century France during the Hundred Years War. As a young girl she had...

The Three Aspects of Christ

The Three Aspects of Christ

Christ is a universal cosmic force, that can be intimately born within sufficiently prepared individuals, and which...

On Music and Poetry

On Music and Poetry

“Music is a divine influence which stirs the heart to seek God: those who listen to it spiritually attain unto God,...

The Zodiac

The Zodiac

Astrology is based on the study of the zodiac, a celestial wheel of twelve constellations of stars that appears to...