The Gnostic Myth of Sophia

The Gnostic Myth of Sophia

Sophia The gnostic philosophy is summed up in the myth of Sophia. This summary is from Samael Aun Weor’s book The Secret Doctrine of Anahuac and elaborated on in his work The Pistis Sophia Unveiled. The Pistis Sophia is an apocryphal scripture and a tremendous...
The Esotericism of Chess by Samael Aun Weor

The Esotericism of Chess by Samael Aun Weor

 Lecture by Samael Aun Weor The game of chess comes from ancient Atlantis, it is a game that was known and practiced by the people of the continent that today is submerged in the ocean that bears its name. Chess symbolizes or allegorizes the game of life, or better to...
Gnosis: the Perennial Philosophy

Gnosis: the Perennial Philosophy

“I advise you, whoever you are, who wish to explore the mysteries of nature, if you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither shall you find it outside. If you ignore the excellencies of your own house, how do you intend to find excellence...
Everything in Nature Ritualizes

Everything in Nature Ritualizes

“Truth did not come into the world naked, but it came in archetypes and images. The world will not receive truth in any other way.” -Gospel of Philip 67:9-12   The Universal Ritual Everything in nature ritualizes. The unfolding of a flower, the rhythm...
Conscious Remorse and the Rune RITA

Conscious Remorse and the Rune RITA

The rune RITA reminds us of the importance of the law, both the earthly law, and the divine cosmic law known as karma. We must pay what we owe with love, good deeds, conscious remorse and voluntary sufferings, or else it will inevitably be bitterness. We must always...
The Cathedral of the Soul

The Cathedral of the Soul

Alchemical Birth of the Soul The path of gnosis is the work of the three factors: dying to the ego, alchemically transmuting the vital energies, and sacrificing for others with love. The second factor called alchemical birth requires the patient building of the...
Mercury the Messenger

Mercury the Messenger

Mercury-Hermes In the Greek and Roman tradition Mercury, called Hermes in Greek, was the messenger deity, distinguished by his winged sandals and winged helmet and carrying the caduceus. The cadeceus is a staff with two intertwined serpents topped by open wings and...
Mystical Death

Mystical Death

Mystical Death is a Psychological Work “So long as we do not die within ourselves, and so long as we are identified with someone or something, we shall never be free.”   -Farud ud-Din Attar   To die is to renounce habits, to let go of fantasies, to dissolve...