Image: Artist and his Bride by Marc Chagall
“It is written with burning coals in the extraordinary book of life that the ardent love between man and woman works magically.
Hermes Trismegistus, thrice great God Ibis of Thoth, said in his emerald tablet:
‘I give you love in which is contained supreme wisdom’.
“All of us possess some electrical and magnetic forces within, and, just like a magnet, we exert a force of attraction and repulsion… Between lovers that magnetic force is particularly powerful and its action has a far reaching effect.”
– Samael Aun Weor, Mystery of the Golden Blossom
Samael Aun Weor teaches that the Age of Aquarius is the expression of the mysteries of Uranus, the planet which governs the sexual glands and hormones.
The previous Age of Pisces was characterized by religions which embraced the virtues of humility, poverty, obedience, silence, and chastity. Chastity is sex with reununciation of the orgasm; celibacy is abstention from sex altogether.
Over time, the degeneration of the spirit of these religions conflated celibacy with chastity. This carried over into our modern times where there is an automatic understanding that sprituality is disconnected from sexuality.
In this Aquarian Age, and thanks to the Gnostic wisdom, we know the reality is that sex makes spirituality possible, because sex is what sustains love. Rather than living as a celibate monk in order to attain spiritual development, we must encounter sexuality in a balanced way and with reverence for its tremendous force.
Sex used improperly can cause great harm through heartbreak, betrayal, self-abuse, violation, and worse. Sexuality used properly with rectitude and connection to divinity is the most potent healing force in the universe. Sex creates the strongest bonds in human relationships, and can transform husband and wife through an alchemical marriage.
Sexuality used properly means renuncuation of desire and cultivation of love.
In a natural way, a mother‘s love for her child is the overflowing of love in her heart for this new creation generated from the sexual energy.
Love exists in many relationships, but it is common that love flees after the sexual consumation. Love also fades when the sexual connection has been suspended or disconnected.
Sex can regenerate the soul, and in this way it is the same redemptive force of the intimate Christ.

The power and sacred beauty of sex is worthy of our reflection and veneration. Regardless of our relationship status we can work with transmutation of the sexual energy in our meditations.
Sexuality cannot be ignored, but must be comprehended, honored, and weilded properly for our psychological and spiritual development.