The Divine Feminine

Posted on January 7, 2017

“All things corruptible
Are but reflection
Earth’s insufficiency
Here finds fulfilllment
Here the ineffable
Wins through Love
Eternal Womanhood
Leads up above”
-Johann von Goethe, Chorus Mysticus from Faustus


“In the beginning Elohim created the Heaven and Earth…” 
-Genesis 1:1


Elohim is a Hebrew word that means gods and goddesses. There is no complete understanding of  theology, religion, philosophy or mysticism without both the male and female. The masculine force is active and has a role to fulfill, and the feminine force is receptive and also has a role to fulfill.

The cooperation of those two forces results in the creation of all things, but the divine feminine force can be subtle and has often been neglected.

The Principle of Gender

One of the seven hermetic principles is the principle of gender, from the Greek root gen, “to produce”, “to engender”. The union of opposites makes something new, which is illustrated in Taoism with the symbol of yin and yang. Yin and yang are action and repose, fire and water, sky and earth, male and female.

Everything has yin and yang, it is the foundational pattern within all of existence, and this magnetism of the opposites is found in all of nature, from the atom to the planetary orbits.

Everyone and everything has female and male principles. In a certain era, the female and male principles were fused and every human was a complete hermaphrodite, with the principles still functioning the same within one human body.

In the teachings of Kabbalah it is said that creation begins when the cosmic feminine Chaos, is fertilized by the cosmic masculine impulse. All worlds are gestated within the womb of the cosmic feminine and from this all of creation unfolds.

Each sephiroth, or realm of creation, is like a fountain overflowing with divine light that pours into the next sephiroth. Each one is at the same time giving and receiving, male and female.

Love and the Divine Feminine

Conscious in the astral world, Samael Aun Weor met the 19th century German poet Johann von Goethe.
Samael said to him “‘I thought your love would be strictly universal, love of the rocks, the mountains, the rivers, the seas, the bird which flies and the fish that glides through the deep waters.
Goethe responded “Is not human love a spark of divine love?”
“This statement was irrefutable, incontrovertible and correct.

Love, whether divine or human, is that universal principle which unites all things and gives meaning to life.

Historically “woman” was always related with Love, which we see not just in the romantic sense but in the divine unconditional love, nurturance, and sacrifice that mothers make for their children.

In the realm of the divine we see that Atman, the Being, has two souls: the spiritual soul which is feminine, and the human soul which is masculine. The union of these two souls allows for the incarnation of the Being within the vehicles of the Bodhisattva.


It is profound to appreciate the divine feminine within ourselves and in the world. The divine feminine is the space, the substrate, the matrix; it is the question and not the answer, and is therefore often rendered invisible.

The quieter virtues such as patience, unconditional love, modesty, humility, chastity are often overlooked or dismissed as old-fashioned or oppressive. But these virtues can blossom within anyone and bring great healing and harmony to the world.

Harmonize with Shakti, the Divine Mother with the mantra: O AO KAKOF NA KHONSA

Oh Isis, Mother of the Cosmos, 
root of Love, Trunk, Bud, Leaf, Flower and Seed of all that exists.
We conjure Thee, Naturalizing Force, 
we call upon the Queen of the space and of the night, 
and kissing your loving eyes, drinking the dew from your lips, 
breathing the sweet aroma of your body, we exclaim:
Oh, Thou, Nuit, Eternal Seity of Heaven, 
who art the Primordial Soul, 
Thou who art what was and what shall be, whose veil no mortal has lifted, 
when Thou art beneath the irradiating stars 
of the nocturnal and profound sky of the desert, 
with purity of heart and in the flame of the serpent we call upon Thee!