For the Gnostic, God can be known and experienced
God is the multiple perfect unity. Described in the polytheistic religious pantheons as many gods and rulers of creation, and in the monotheistic religions as the Holy One. The Gnostics also know God as an abstract nothing, Void, the sacred unmanifestation beyond and behind creation.
God is Father, Mother, and Son. God is within. God is love
God is by definition many faceted, shown so beautifully in the Kabbalist Tree of Life. God as masculine/active and feminine/receptive is the unalterable nature of creation. The Christic princple of sacrifice constantly renews creation.
In the Tree of Life creation is series of dimensions or vibrations. Shown at times as concentric circles, overlapping spheres, or a sequence of cascading realms, from more rarified to more dense.
God is called the Being. A translation from the Spanish el Ser, The “To Be”. Just as Thomas Aquinas did not refer to God as En Summum- “the highest being”, but as Ipsum Esse- “To Be”.
God is the verb of being, God is the verb to love. God called Himself “I am” because the truth of His existence is beyond comprehension.
Creation is how we, the created, may understand and know God
The concentric circle symbol of creation is interesting for those who engage in the internal work of the consciousness. Each nested sphere is simultaneously more interior and intimate, more subtle, and less related to anything that the mind can possibly comprehend.
Our deepest interior nature is the divine Absolute, which connects our spiritual essence to all of creation and to the void.
For the Gnostic, God is both immanent and transcendent
Our true nature, individual and intimate, needs no external intervention for a spiritual experience. At the same time, this true nature connects us to that which is universal, objective, unifying, and being comprehension.
Agnostos Theos , the unknowable divinity, is the name of the Gnostic God. The gods, archons, planetary rulers, and all other rulers of nature and creation are also Holy, but they are subject to the cosmic laws of creation.
The God one worships is the God we are attentive to. Many people worship simple desires and the things of life. Prayer may even be toward an ego. The Being is a state of consciousness, the Void is a state of consciousness.
The Gnostics do not outright reject the so-called lesser gods of creation, but strive to raise their consciousness to vibrate with the highest aspects of the Being.
“Each delicious symphony of the ineffable cosmos, each note, each tender melody hidden within the very pure enchantment of the exquisite fragrant roses of the gardens of Nirvana, is the living incarnation of the Word.”
-Samael Aun Weor, The Aquarian Message
Commentary on the Gnostic God