The Ineffable Fragrance of Fraternity, lecture by Samael Aun Weor 1973:
Undoubtedly, fraternity in itself is profoundly significant.
If we put together a series of meanings that indicated the same thing, an inconceivable phrase would be formed. I think fraternity in itself is, indeed, inconceivable; it’s something that is felt deep inside the heart, something that really springs from the depths of the Soul and the Spirit. However, I must clarify that authentic fraternity becomes a fact when one disintegrates the animal ego.
Obviously, it would not be possible to express the most profound meaning of fraternity in a totally clear way as long as the consciousness is bottled up, embedded in the animal ego.
We want fraternity to reign on the face of the Earth, but we need to work on ourselves to shatter all those undesirable psychic elements we carry within us. Obviously, if we succeed, what is left in us is inner beauty, and from it will emanate that which is love, that which is fraternity.
Certainly, we want the force of love to shine upon the entire planet Earth. We must enliven the flame of the Spirit with the force of love.
We must radiate love to all four corners of the Earth. We must consider all humanity, regardless of sex, race, class, or color as a large family. We must never think human beings are strangers to each other. No! Actually, human beings form a huge family, we are a gigantic family.
We need the force of love to vibrate in each atom of the universe, to glisten in the rivers of crystalline water, to bubble within the waves of the immense sea, to sparkle in each star of infinite space.
We need the force of love to sing freely and carry its richest harmonies amid the pine trees; to gracefully shine in every fantastic firefly in the forest and in the morning star.
We need the force of love to nest in our hearts, to really become a fact in each of us, to sing in the bird, to shine in the sun and, like a burning torch, to make this place burn completely.
The force of love will give us wisdom. Let’s remember Hermes Trismegistus when he said, “I give you love in which is contained all the summum of wisdom.”
The science of the Gnostic ascetic is drunk in the chalice of wisdom. The delicious wine of the Gnostic sage must be served with the amphora of wisdom and love.
In truth, it’s not possible to separate wisdom from love. Love and wisdom form a unique whole. Love combined with wisdom makes beautiful the rose that emerges on the banks of the crystalline stream.
Love combined with wisdom becomes a delicious fragrance, a whisper that’s always illuminated by the light of Venus at dawn.
Wisdom combined with love certainly shines even in the deepest caves at the bottom of the seas.
Wisdom combined with love ignites in each atom, vibrates in each flower; it is an immortal lyre that resounds extraordinarily and wonderfully.