The Lord’s Prayer

Posted on September 17, 2019

The Lord’s Prayer, taught by Jesus Christ to his disciples, is a beautiful supplication containing profound wisdom, compassion, and love for God and humankind.

This prayer is Kabbalistic in that it invokes the names of the different spheres of the Tree of Life, the different facets and aspects of God. This prayer reinforces the Christic teachings of mercy and forgiveness, the higher ethical octave from the Old Testament principle of “an eye for an eye”.

The Lord’s Prayer has immense power to bring in Christic light and love to dispel psychological darkness. Practice with this prayer first thing in the morning, and the last moment before going to sleep, with complete concentration on every word.

To pray is to talk with God. The Lord’s Prayer serves us in talking with God.
Samael Aun Weor


“The closing clause of the Lord’s Prayer is pure Kabbalism. Malkuth the Kingdom, Hod the Glory, Netsach the Power form the basal triangle of the Tree of Life, with Yesod the Foundation or Receptacle of Influences as the central point. Whoever formulated that prayer knew his Kabbalah.”
Dion Fortune


This prayer, with its seven esoteric petitions, must be done in a slow manner. Each petition should be meditated. We should choose an hour of the day to do this practice if we want to unwrap the sublime powers of our soul. This does not mean that we cannot pray or enter into silence at any hour or in any place, even among the multitudes.”
-Arnold Krumm-Heller “Huiracocha”.


“When Jesus prayed, he prayed to the Father who is in secret, and left unto us the Lord’s Prayer, that is an absolutely magical prayer. It takes a couple of hours to properly pray the Lord’s Prayer because each supplication that one makes to the Father is absolutely magical. People make the mistake of praying the Lord’s Prayer in a mechanical way which brings no results. One must dissemble this prayer and analyze it; thus, in order to perform this, the relaxation of the body is indispensable, not a single muscle should have any tension. Afterwards, one concentrates on order to combine prayer with meditation.” 
-Samael Aun Weor, The Initiatic Path in the Arcanum of Tarot and Kabbalah


“The Lord’s Prayer is the most perfect prayer. Of all ritualistic prayers, the most powerful one is the Lord’s Prayer.It is a magical prayer of immense power. Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition, are the three obligatory paths of initiation.” 
-Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony


“Master Huiracocha says the following. 
1. Our Father who art in heaven:
First, it is necessary to see spiritual things (God) internally.
Second, one must listen to the Verb, or the Divine Word.
Third, we prepare our spiritual organism for intuition.
This trinity is found in the first three supplications of the Pater Noster, sequentially:
2. Hallowed be thy name: 
In other words, the Divine Verb, the magnificent name of God, the Creative Word.
3. Thy Kingdom come: 
That is to say: with the pronunciation of the Word, the Mantras, the internal Kingdom of the Holy Masters comes to us.”  
-Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony


“The Our Father contains all possible petitions; we cannot conceive of any prayer not already contained in it… It is impossible to say it once through, giving the fullest possible attention to each word, without a change, infinitesimal perhaps but real, taking place in the soul.”
Simone Weil



It is best to practice this prayer kneeling, with serenity in the mind and concentration on every word.

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father who is in heaven

Hallowed be Your name

Your kingdom come

Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us

Lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from evil

For Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory

Forever and ever, Amen.


The Lord’s Prayer with Commentary

Our Father who is in heaven
Calling to the God of everything, in the highest sphere of the Tree of Life, Kether.

The necessity of seeing the spiritual aspect, God, with the consciousness; listening to the Verb, the Divine Word; preparing our spiritual organism for intuition.

Hallowed be Your name
First petition: calling to the sacredness of the name of God, the power of the Word, the Verb.

Your kingdom come
Second petition: Geburah the Divine Soul connects to Chokmah the Son or Second Logos.

With the pronunciation of the Word, the sacred mantras, the internal Kingdom of the Holy Masters comes to us.

Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven
Third petition: that we may use our free will to be in harmony with God’s will.

Give us this day our daily bread
Fourth petition: the soul calls to the essence of the physical body Malkuth.

“The phrase ‘daily bread’ means the ‘supersubstantial bread’ in Greek or the ‘bread from the Highest’. Gnosis gives us this ‘bread of life’ in a double meaning; this is ideas and strength, which allow us to disintegrate our psychological errors.” – Samael Aun Weor

Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us
Fifth petition: that the Law of Mercy outshine the Law of the Talion; that love and forgiveness reign, and that we utilize our vital energies for God, without trespassing or violating these forces.

It is important to allow ourselves to be forgiven by God.

Lead us not into temptation 
Sixth petition: our interior essence asking to not be lead by the body of desire, the inferior astral body.

But deliver us from evil 
Seventh petition: the interior essence asking to not be lead astray by the inferior mind, the inferior mental body.

For Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory

“Malkuth the Kingdom, Hod the Glory, Netsach the Power form the basal triangle of the Tree of Life, with Yesod the Foundation or Receptacle of Influences as the central point.” -Dion Fortune

The Kingdom is Malkuth, the physical world. Glory is Hod, the astral worldPower is Netsach the mental world.

God is in all things.

Forever and ever, Amen.