Cosmic Divine Mother and the Rune UR

Posted on June 28, 2018

The Divine Mother in Her cosmic aspect goes by many different names. She was worshipped by the ancient Egyptians as the goddess Nut, Her body itself being the starry firmament. She is the receptive aspect of all of creation, and her manifestations are infinite.

Her posture is curved over like the womb of the sky. To experience and commune with this part of the Divine Mother we can utilize prayer and the runic postures given to us through the Gnostic tradition of Samael Aun Weor.

The Rune UR

There are many runic practices in the Gnostic tradition, each with different purpose and meaning, and the rune UR in particular is dedicated to the Divine Mother.

UR is the cosmic womb, which is closed during the the Mahapralaya, the Great Night, and opens downward and gives birth to the Mahamanvantara, the Great Cosmic Day. When the new Mahamanvantara dawns the Eternal Mother Space extends out like a lotus bud.

“Loving our Divine Mother and thinking in that great womb where worlds are gestated, let us pray…” –Samael Aun Weor


The Practice of the Rune UR

rune ur poseThe rune is “performed before the sun with raised arms and hands, legs opened and body slightly crouched, thus awaiting to receive light and more light.”
-Samael Aun Weor

“The student will place himself towards the North or facing the Sun and once he has raised his arms up like in the previous Rune FA, he will bend down with his legs open, and in this position, he will think firmly that in this way the Cosmic Current may penetrate in his interior.”
-Arnold Krumm-Heller “Huiracocha”

In the crouching position recite the following prayer:b02ur

Within my true internal Being resides the Divine Light
RAM IO Mother of my Being, Devi Kundalini
RAM IO help me
RAM IO assist me, illuminate me
RAM IO Divine Mother of mine, Isis of mine
You have the child Horus, my true Being, in your arms.
Help me to die within myself
So that my Essence may be lost in Him…Him…Him…

After the prayer, bow forward in imitation of the Egyptian goddess Nut, the curve of the sky.

About the Prayer of the Rune UR

Within this prayer we call upon the Divine Mother in all of Her aspects, who is interwoven in the branches of the Tree of Life.

RAM IO is a mantra for three aspects of the Divine Mother. Our individual Mother Nature, creator and architect of our physical organism related to the sephirah Malkuth, our elemental intercessor related to Yesod, and our individual Divine Mother the Kundalini sexual force, related to Binah.

“Help me to die within myself..”  is an invocation of Divine Mother Death, the terrible Hecate, Persephone, Coatlicue, queen of the infernos and death; terror of love and law, related to Geburah.

With the curved posture we call and pray to the unmanifested Prakriti, the Divine Mother Space, imitating the posture of the Egyptian goddess Nut, and related to the Ain Soph.

“So that my Essence may be lost in Him..Him…Him…” We are invoking the Christ, the golden child Horus, asking to surrender to Him. Christ teaches us to sacrifice everything, over and over so that the worlds may have life and have it in abundance.

We yearn to die psychologically, mystically, so that our beautiful essence is lost in the love of the Christ, the golden child Horus.


The Magic of the Runes