The Seed of the Tree of Life

Posted on June 11, 2024

“Behold, a sower went forth to sow.
And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the wayside; and the fowls came and devoured them up.

Some fell upon stony places where they had not much earth; and forthwith they sprang up, because they had no deepness of earth.
And when the sun was up they were scorched, and because they had no root they withered away.

And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up and choked them.
But others fell into good ground and brought forth fruit, some a hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.

Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.”

 – Matthew 13.3


The Essence is the Seed

The beautiful essence of the soul is the fraction of the divine within ourselves. There is divinity within everything because that is the source of all of creation. The essence within minerals, plants, and animals is integrated with nature and spiritually nascent, the essence within humans is a seed in potentially fertile soil.

The seed is something so small that is almost lacks quantity, yet is pure quality. In other words, the spiritual spark within us contains all the possibilities for true happiness, peace, contentment, and psychological and spiritual developement. It is our true nature, our character, the light within, something eternal and infinite.

This is different from our physical body which can be weighed and measured, as well our personality which is finite and of its time.

The true potential of the seed is not actuated when the “fowls”, the negative thoughts, come and devour it. The essence that is not able to take root because of shallow doctrines will wither as soon as the light of the solar light dawns. The essence that finds itself among conflicting theories will be choked out as if by thorns. But when our divine spiritual essence encounters the truth it will flourish.


The Being is the Tree

The Being is our internal God Father-Mother. We are not usually taught that we have an internal Being, but it is true. The Being is not an entity, just as God in any sense is not a person or personage, the Being is a state of consciousness.

One way to conceptualize the Being is with the symbol of the tree of life. This tree is a living tree, and therefore while it is a symbol it is only understood when its principles are applied in our daily lives.

The Being has many facets, many branches, many dimensions. It has a particular structure that creates a pathway, or bridge from Earth to Heaven. These dimensions exists and coexist simultaneously, they penetrate and interpenetrate without confusion.

If our state of consciousness is identified with the physical dimension (Malkuth- the fallen kingdom) then we ignore the other dimensions. Through practices such as meditation and dream yoga it is possible to unfold consciously in the higher dimensions and comprehend the towering yet intimate reality of the true inner Being.


The Action of the Cross

In our daily life we have an internal crossroads at every moment. To be or not to be. To be means to practice being, to remember our divine origin, to perceive the multidimensionality of life. To understand the preciousness of the present moment.

This plants a seed deep into the fertile soil of our existence, the action of which creates a cross.


This cross becomes the crucible which transforms our life. Consciousness within unconsciousness, being within existence, eternity within time, sacifice with love within the mundane daily activities of life.

The Self-Realized Being is the Illuminated Tree

The fruits of the Tree of Life are the virtues and values of the Being, incarnated. The tree of the inner Being is within us all the time, but we are not conscious of it most of the time. To incarnate means to bring into embodiment, to allow the spiritual virtues to be a fundamental part of us in thought, word, and action.

We see this in the important work of Buddhism,  to let go of attachments of the mind and reach enlightenment. The path of Christ is about learning to sacrifice our selfish desires and make room for the divine within our lives.

The Buddhic-Christic path is the balance of spiritualizing the human and humanizing the spirit, and this is how we have the possibility of self-realization of the Being.

Buddhism is silence.

Christianity is the Word.