Everything in nature moves in a curved line, which eventually returns back to where it started.

Our daily life repeats itself, signaled and symobolized by the rising and setting of the Sun/the Earth rotating on its axis.

Esoterically, we understand that all things return and repeat, not just physically, but energetically, psychologically, and spiritually.
A wise master, Samael Aun Weor states, “Time is round, cyclical, and everything repeats in higher or lower spirals. The incessant repetition of the same dramas, the same scenes, the same events, in each of the existences assigned by Cosmic Law to human Essences is at once interesting and painful.
A man is what his life is. If a man does not modify anything within himself, if he does not transform his life radically, if he doesn’t work on himself, he is wasting his time miserably.”
The gnostic esoteric work is the process of “transforming ourlife radically” by making those internal modifications.

Art by Qistina Khalidah
The Law of the Octave is a cosmic law, an invisible functioning within every level of creation. The Law of the Octave teaches that everything progresses along a pattern of seven ascending (or descending) energies.
As a mechanical process the octave only progresses so far, and hits a type of gap, then curves and eventually repeats. We can see that at each break or gap the line angles in another direction. Then we cannot see where we came from, the perspective shifts and we think we are still going toward our goal but we are angled in teh wront direction.
This happens again and again until we come back where we started.

It is only with a special effort, what is known as a “conscious shock” that the gap can be crossed and a higher octave achieved.

Without the conscious shock of awakening, of moving to a higher level of being, of observing ourselves consciously, of sacrificing the lower within ourselves for the higher, we continue to move around a corner and forget where we came from and where we are going.
Hence, we become stuck in the labyrinth.

It is only with a special effort, what is known as a “conscious shock” that the gap can be crossed and a higher octave achieved.
A conscious shock is when we are able to perceive reality as it is. When we comprehend ourselves as divine essence, but also that the world does not revolve around us. A true shock to the world is delivered with genuine sacrifice– transforming the lower into the higher.